Our Fall Chinook Development

Ceder Creek Hatchery update: 01-24-23

Status and development of the fall chinook that were spawned by the Nestucca Anglers in October/November 2022 are here and doing well at our Cedar Creek Hatchery. There were two egg takes (10/26/22 & 11/2/22).  Both groups have hatched and are looking healthy. The sack fry are currently trayed down in our basket troughs and are forecasted to be “buttoned up” (egg sack fully absorbed) by the end of February/early March. Once the sack fry have completely absorbed their yolks we will begin them on a starter feed.

More updates to follow…..

Dec 2022 Screen Upgrades

Pond Screen Upgrades: December – 2022

In partnership with ODFW and Cedar Creek Hatchery, Nestucca Angler Volunteers took on and completed a (Rhoades Pond) screen upgrade project this past week. We are excited to have these in place for 2023 starting with the arrival of our Broodstock offspring(s).

Nov 2022 Final Sort

The second Fall Chinook spawn was held Wednesday 11/2/22. 


Twenty four pair were spawned, totaling 39 pair spawned for the season.

We have hit our egg take target for the year. 

This years run had a large element of 4 year old returning fish, sizes ranged from 15 to 30 pounds.

We will be looking forward to the eggs beginning to hatch around the second week of December.

Thank you to all our volunteers and supporters.

2022 Sorting Underway

The seasons first Fall Chinook spawn was held on Wednesday October 26th.

Nestucca Anglers and Cedar Creek Hatchery crew sorted fish from the angler caught Wild Broodstock pond, Three Rivers trap, and Cedar Creek trap.

In total 224 Fall Chinook were collected, 15 pair were spawned, unripe fish were held for next weeks spawn and the remaining fish were processed for stream enrichment throughout the Nestucca basin.

See Gallery HERE

Broodstock Update – 10/11/22

Good week for our collection team in use with our transport aerator boxes we have been able to secure some healthy fish to our program.

We are not at our final numbers yet, but excited to say we are off and rolling now with fish in our holding pen(s) at Cedar Creek Hatchery.

Posted Videos:
Click HERE for our Youtube Post
Click HERE for Transport Box Video 1
Click HERE for Transport Box Video 2

Liberation 2022

Nestucca Anglers released 105,000 August 17th. The fish went out to the Nestucca basin healthy and to size. Special thank you to all the feeding volunteers that took care of the fish throughout the season.

We will start collecting the broodstock for our 2022 offspring in September. Stay tuned as we will keep you updated on our collection process.


The following video clips below are from this years release. Video’s have been sized down but please allow time for video to load.

Release Video #1 (27 MB)

Release Video #2 (17 MB)

Pond Video Truck #3 (13 MB)

Pond Video #4 (16 MB)

Pond Video #5 (20 MB)

Liberation Is Upon US!

Liberation time is upon us and we need volunteers to help with the releasing of fish next week.

(08-14-22 9:00am): Our first job will be to vacuum the pond to assure a clean pond and water while we are seining the fish to the trucks that are hauling our 2021 offsprings to the Nestucca river. Bring waders and this task will only take few hours. 

(08-17-22 6:00am): We will start early while the water is still cool which creates less stress on our fish. Bring your waders and looking forward to releasing another successful year of Fall Chinook into the Nestucca basin. 

Thank you for everyone’s support 🙂
Ron Byrd 
President of Nestucca Anglers

Legacy Oar Machine

“Sometimes It’s Just Worth Carrying On”

Chances are if you are reading this you are familiar with the history of the Pacific City, Oregon Dorymen’s Association. Pacific City Dorymen’s Association (PCDA) is one of Oregon’s most active 501(c)3 charitable non-profit organizations and will soon be celebrating its 25th anniversary. PCDA continues to stand strong after the recent losses of legendary (Co-founder’s) and still today strives to protect, defend and promote the traditional culture and economic values of the dory fleet.

The Hanneman / Learned oars were legendary. They made over 200 sets of oars in 40 years. Unfortunately, with Paul’s failing health, the Oar Machine fell silent and sat motionless in the barn; gathering rust, grime and dust. The history of the machine is fuzzy. It started as an oar lathe for making oars for the Navy prior to WW II. Then sold to a man in Bay City who used it for making cedar floats for gill nets and crab pots. Then found its way to Paul and Terry in Pacific City. 

In 2012, Linfield University completed an extensive historical study on the contemporary role of dorymen and the dories in the life of the coastal village of Pacific City, Oregon. In this study, Linfield posted detailed historical notes on how both Paul Hanneman and Terry Learned purchased and modified a homemade lathe from the 1930’s to design a high demand dory oars.

Paul Hanneman had spoken with Dave Gordon before Paul’s death and told him of his wish for Dave to take the oar machine and continue. Unfortunately, before the machine could be moved and restored Paul passed away.  Also at this time, Terry had moved to Alaska. This meant Dave and future partner Jon were on their own to figure out how to restore and run the Oar Machine and make quality oars.

Jon Warren and Dave Gordon had become friends over beers; Dave serving, Jon drinking at the local pub. In those conversations they each learned of the other’s appreciation of good wooden oars (from rafting days) and a wish of being able to build wooden oars.

The Dave/Jon phase of the machine started with moving it to Jon’s barn in Cloverdale.  Then came many months of disassembly, scrapping off gunk, cleaning, and rebuild.  One of the significant parts of the rebuild was the motor.  When the machine started life, it ran off of a Jack Shaft (central pulley systems once used in machine shops).  When moved from the machine shop, a motor was installed.  During Dave’s research of the motor, he found it had originated at the Hudson House used to pump water.  Dave’s research and reading of blogs also lead him to the key as to how to get the motor to run in the opposite direction —  needed for how Jon and Dave had the machine set up.

The rebuild highlighted to Jon and Dave the intricacies of the design; wooden pulleys with leather belts, pattern forms the cutting head follows to make consistent tapers. It took nearly a year, 13 tries and the creation of a lot of sawdust and firewood, before Jon and Dave made their first good oars.

When you talk with Jon he will tell you “I have been building machine tools most of my adult life and this was truly a challenge for Dave and I to understand how this machine works.  It is an Old Lady.  Some days it is hard to get it to move.  She is noisy, cranky and needs lots of TLC.  But we love making really high quality oars on this Legacy Tool.

(5) LIVE VIDEOS: Courtesy of Nestucca Anglers
1) Jon (VIEW HERE)
2) Dave (VIEW HERE)

View/Download Full Article: Courtesy of Nestucca Anglers

Legacy Oarshttps://www.facebook.com/Legacy-Oar-2792018594168013/
Email: [email protected]
Pacific City Dorymen’s Associationhttps://pcdorymen.com
Linfield Universityhttps://digitalcommons.linfield.edu/dory/
Nestucca Anglershttps://nestuccaanglers.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nestucca-Anglers-1471198389809823

Article, Photo Credits:
Don Toedtemeier – Nestucca Anglers
Jon Warren/Dave Gordon – Legacy Oars