
Welcome to Nestucca Anglers

“We Invite You To Join Us”

Our members have a continuing commitment to our goals of stream enhancement, education and angling opportunity. Encouraged by the success of our current programs, we continue to seek new ways to further these goals. We make the most of our financial support, which comes from grants and contributions from the public, and are grateful for the work of our dedicated volunteers.

Rhoades Pond is a sponsored ODFW Salmon Trout Enhancement Program.

STEP Into The Future

(Broodstock Collection Site)
Raising 100,000 Fall Chinook Salmon Annually Since 1999!


Make a Difference!

The Nestucca anglers is a nonprofit organization that has been raising Fall Chinook for the Nestucca basin since 1999.

Each year, we need support from local community fundraising and donation efforts to maintain Rhoades Pond. This continued support provides funds for facility equipment, utilities, and projects.

Our volunteers come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Whether you are new or familiar to the fishery environment, we welcome you to get involved and make a difference.

We invite you to join us on this mission. To find out more, please follow our events page as well as future publications below on this site.

NA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation.
Donations are tax deductible.